SGM service is about 90 minutes in length. On your arrival, you'll meet a member of our greeting team who will usher you to the sanctuary and help you get seated for service. If you have infant children and would like them to be in the children’s ministry a volunteer will help you find the correct age specific ministry room.
Make sure to stop by our café station for a complimentary coffee or tea before service begins!
Service begins with praise and worship songs. Our worship includes contemporary songs, hymns, and multicultural anthems led by a team of spirit filled worshiper singing in various languages, including English, French, Creole, Sango, Lingala, Swahili, Kikongo, etc.
Song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship.
We continue our worship by cheerfully bringing our offering and tithes to our Lord in obedience to His word (Proverbs 3:9; Malachy 3:10, Deuteronomy 12:11, Psalm 20:3)
After the Worship portion of the service is complete, one of our pastors will come up to share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus. The message is followed by a time of personal prayer and intercession for the pastor.
This is followed by announcements and updates about church programs and activities.
We close the service by sharing grace and the verse of the week.
Rev. Adrien N. Ngudiankama, Ph.D. is the founding pastor of Salem Gospel Ministries. He is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo and spent most of his adult life in Europe and the United States. He was ordained a minister of the Gospel in 1994 by the London Baptist Association and the Baptist Union of Great Britain at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church in London. He became the lead pastor of Salem Gospel Ministries in March 2007.
Rev. Adrien shares a passion for ministry among the French & English-speaking Christians of the DC, Maryland, and Virginia areas. His heartbeat for evangelization, salvation of souls, and missions is translated in his message, teachings, and lifestyle.
Rev. Adrien received a MPhil in Systematic Theology from King’s College, and a Ph.D. in Health Education and Health Promotion from the Institute of Education, London University. This background in health education and his heartbeat for integral salvation (body, soul, and spirit) have led him to start Salem Gospel Ministries Social Initiative, a community outreach program that aims to show the love of Christ by assisting neighboring families in their basic needs.
Sunday School, (children ministry)
Family Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Women’s Ministry
- Young Adults Ministry
- Senior Ministry
- Couples Ministry
- Engagement Counseling
- Marriage preparation
- Register for Marriage
Life Groups
We encourage you to get involved in a Life Group, which is a discipleship tool that helps you grow in your relationship with Jesus and in your relationships with others in a casual environment. There is no better feeling than being part of a community! Below you will find a list of Life Groups and the days and times they meet.
You are welcome to connect with any or all of the following groups if you wish. For more information, please contact.
Outreach and Evangelization
Intercession Ministry
Praise and Worship Ministry
- Campus Mission at Georges Washington University
- International Mission (Salem Congo)
Media, Technology, and Sound Ministry
Greeting, Hospitality, & Usher Ministry
Interpretation Ministry</li>
Decoration Ministry
Social Ministry
Transportation Ministry
Salem Gospel Social Initiatives (Community support)
In order to fulfill the strategic priorities of the Convention, programs, services and ministries will focus on:
Engaging Communities