Pizza with the pastor
Have you newly joined to Salem Gospel Ministries?
Come join Pastor Adrien and other Salem leaders for an opportunity to learn about some exciting things taking place in Salem and how you can be a part of them (while enjoying pizza!!!). We're looking forward to getting to know you! You can bring your kids along, too!
The 2023 dates
March 26th
June 25th
September 24th
December 17th
If you are interested in attending, please click to RSVP
Our church is committed to evangelism and discipleship. We place great emphasis on discipleship as a way to raise up mature Christians for the church since mature Christians become custodians of the church's core vision, mission, values, and practices.
Discipleship will help you discover God's redemption plan for your life, and learn how to follow Christ, fellowship with him and others, ultimately bring others into the light of Christ.
Discipleship classes are offered at least four times a year (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall) . They include ten Zoom sessions that will equip you to follow Jesus, discover your purpose, connect with the church, and serve others.
Knowing Your Church: (Will help you understand why we do what we do),
Foundations of Faith: (Outlines the essential habits that every believer needs in order to become a devoted follower of Jesus Christ),
Spiritual Growth: (Helps you understand the importance of growing spiritually through your relationship with God and His people),
Assessing Your Gifts: (Helps you discover your unique purpose in Christ. It will help you examine your personality and gifts and how they combine to find your best fit for ministry),
Next Steps: (Will help you get the necessary information to take your next step - whether you want to sign up for water baptism, serve on a team, or become a member).
See our calendar to find out when is our next Discipleship session
Water Baptism
Baptism is an outward action symbolizing inward change. It expresses our identification with Christ's death and resurrection—our old self was crucified with Christ (through the waters of death), and now as followers of Jesus we have risen with him in "newness of life" (Romans 6:3-11).
By following Christ's example in John 1:29-34, we publicly proclaim that the old has passed away and Christ is bringing new things into being.
We welcome you to sign up for baptismal preparation sessions using the form below. Upon completing the form, you will be contacted by someone from the church to discuss the schedule in more detail.
Child dedication
At Salem Gospel Ministries we believe in Baby/Child Dedication instead of infant baptism. Dedication of a child is an act of faith in which believing parents, and sometimes families, commit to submit their child to God, and raise them in accordance with God's Word and God's principles.
It is a privilege for us as a church to celebrate your child's life alongside your family. Baby dedications are a wonderful opportunity for us as a congregation and spiritual family to pray together and commit to raising your child under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in accordance with the Word of God. We strongly believe in investing in the next generation and in your child's journey to discover their own relationship with Christ in the future.
Presenting a child to the Lord is a way parents show obedience to the Lord (Mark 10:13). It is the public declaration of their intention to lay a foundation of Christian values and to guide and educate them in line with God's will (Deut 6:5-7; Eph 6:4).
The dedication of your child to God does not imply his or her salvation. The decision regarding your children's salvation cannot be made for them by you as their parents. Choosing to follow Christ is a personal decision, and each individual must make that decision for themselves. It is only when a child is old enough to understand the meaning of sin and their individual responsibility for it before God that they can make an informed decision about salvation. Basically, it is when the child understands and can express their understanding of Jesus as their Savior (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:14-15, Luke 18:17). We want our children to be ready to make such a crucial decision when the time comes, so we teach and model that process.
Your family is welcome to dedicate your child! Please fill the form below:
Our weekly ministry's success cannot be attributed to the efforts of only one individual. The smooth running of every aspect of the service depends upon the combined efforts of a whole team of people.
If you are interested in taking part in this divine endeavor and serving in one of the areas of ministry, please fill in the form below.
Once select all the areas of ministry that interest you, the leader will get in touch with you.